Author Search Results

Your search for the author Meredith Burke  returned 12 results:

The Most Politically Incorrect Topic

By B. Meredith Burke (Summer 1992)

Immigration and the American Mosaic

By Meredith Burke (Summer 1994)

What Immigration Can Cost

By Meredith Burke (Summer 1996)

A Social and Political Time Bomb

By Meredith Burke (Summer 1997)

Tunnel Vision Dooms America's Future

By Meredith Burke (Fall 1997)

Japan's Future Brightened by Demographic Decline

By Meredith Burke (Winter 1999-2000)

A Faulty Demographic Roadmap to the Future

By Meredith Burke (Spring 2000)

Pragmatic Liberalism

By Meredith Burke (Summer 2000)

Smart Growth Ignores Many Harsh Truths

By Meredith Burke (Summer 1999)